MARVEL SNAP is a fast-paced collectible card game with innovative gameplay mechanics. Each player uses a deck of 12 cards and needs to win 2 out of 3 locations to win a game. Each card represents a Marvel superhero or villain, each with their own unique power or ability. If there is a tie at any opponent, the winner will be the player with the highest total points. Each game is very short, with an estimate of 3 minutes per match. You can learn more about the game at Marvel SNAP. Each player can “SNAP” to earn more cubes from their opponent. Cubes are used to determine a player’s rank.
The reason why these decks were chosen was based on a website called which showcases all the meta decks. Based on Plarium, meta in gaming is used to describe the latest strategic methods and trends among those who play a particular game. Due to my relatively limited experience in the game, there exist numerous cards that I have yet to acquire. Consequently, I opted for three meta decks, as of June 2023, in which I possess either all of the requisite cards or am only missing a single card.
This data visualization presents three distinct decks that were used in a series of 20 games each. The visualization explores the strategic decision-making and gameplay progression on each turn, therefore a fundamental understanding of the game is needed in order to fully comprehend and appreciate the data viz. In this blog post, I will outline how the data visualization “Marvel SNAP Gameplay Analysis” came about.